Nasturtiums, please don't be nasty this year
A new look at the Nasturtiums, now blooming Nasturtiums planted in the "back circle" garden and marked by shish kabob sticks. This year's "start from seed" project involves Nasturtiums, a flower that attracts butterflies, bees, and hopefully not Japanese beetles. We have a sunny garden location in our large yard, and this year I thought Nasturtiums might work in a new area of space. Previously, I had a huge Karl Foerster, or reed grass, that had overgrown the site. My husband and I teamed up to divide and conquer this lovely ornamental grass a few weeks ago (see related blog on Garden Siren Call). I was walking through a garden center when I spied the Nasturtium/Jewel mix seeds for sale. This is a good fit for my newest annual garden project, which is starting some annual flower from seed to see what happens. Last year I started a sunflower from seed, and it worked really well until the Japanese beetles came out and found the sunflower appetizin...