I take on a huge porch plant, and win!
The sansevieria at top is divided. The photo from it on the porch is before it was divided. My father, Emery Cox Jr., passed away in 1989. It was a shock, of course, and we received many plants at his visitation and funeral. One of the green gifts was a sansevieria, also called a Snake Plant or "Mother-in-Law's Tongue." I took this and planted it in a pot. You can see from the photo that it has grown like Topsy over the years. I knew I had to divide it this year, so a few weeks ago, my husband Steve and I wrestled the giant sansevieria on the porch over to the driveway. It really didn't take long: I picked out part of the huge plant, and placed the other in one of those heavy paper yard bags, Boom! All done! Sansevieria is actually native to the African country of Madagascar. It's in the genus of Dracaena. My plant does bloom, because it is located in a bright but indirect light...