This addiction? Outdoors

Red cannas in the back of the deck display were attacked by Japanese 
beetles, but fought them off and now are thriving

When the Baker's young daughter was injured in a school bus accident, she was treated and released in the hospital's emergency room, and returned home. This mother made sure her child was comfortable indoors, and then headed outside to weed the garden.

With passion.

The example of gardening activity right after a family crisis might be described as having "an addiction" to the yard and garden areas.

Getting outdoors in warm (and not so warm) weather is like an addiction, it seems. It's the first thing done in the morning, and last thing at night. Some of the best times to garden during a warm spell are in the early-morning hours, and at night the stars are gorgeous in the big sky above.

There are about 13 garden areas in our big Scott County yard.

If gardening is an addiction, it is a healthy habit and the results, ultimately, increase home values. Website searches show that home values increase about 15 percent in a well-landscaped home with curb appeal.

The front of the home features a new highlight: This is a side-planter mounted on a wooden holder.
Garden on!


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